Data driven decisions


For a leading end of life healthcare provider, a three month journey took us through the realm of business design, where we delved into three game-changing ideas:
an Open Data platform, Augmented Informal Healthcare, and an End of Life Platform.

Guided by our North Star of design thinking, we wove together value propositions crafting and strategic positioning to secure Healthcare Co.'s spot as a frontrunner in the field.

Rectangle Light Blue untitled concept


The Open Data platform was our key to the data kingdom, providing a safe space for sharing healthcare intel. By encouraging openness and sparking data-inspired insights, this concept set out to reinvent decision-making and elevate healthcare results at a systemic level.

Square untitled concept


Augmented Informal Healthcare put patients in the driver's seat. With the help of cutting-edge tech, this concept aimed to give individuals the tools to take charge of both their own health and their loved ones. By merging augmented wearables, and smart devices, we hoped to blur the line between medical institutions and daily life, enabling people to fulfill the best End of Life experience at such a difficult time.

Ellipse Orange untitled concept


On a parallel track, the End of Life Platform worked to enrich the final life chapter for patients and their loved ones. This concept aimed to weave together empathetic care, forward-thinking planning tools, and digital resources to offer comfort and guidance during this delicate time, ultimately enhancing the overall end-of-life journey.

Rectangle untitled concept


Throughout this creative process, we harnessed design thinking approaches to tap into user needs, refine our concepts, and shape attractive value propositions. By syncing these ideas with our strategic and commercial acumen, we created outcomes: a dynamic business design blueprint that married these three concepts, equipping Healthcare Co. to seize fresh opportunities, fuel innovation, and leave a lasting imprint on the healthcare landscape.

Rectangle untitled concept